Cover blue with polka dots for wrap Draco

Item ID:
0,3 kg
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In stock (1 ks)
The goods will be with you 18.03.2025
Draco wrap cover. The wrap is ideal for children from birth. If the birth weight is less or around 2500g, it is worth buying a small swaddle to use for the next 2-4 months. Otherwise the baby could "swim" in it. A feather swaddle means that it is filled with freshly cleaned new hand-washed goose down in just the right amount to offer the baby comfort, a feeling of security, safety and warmth, but also a solid base. If you have an allergy burden in your family, I recommend giving preference to this particular duvet, which is generally used for a maximum of 3-4 months after the baby is born. Caution is not recommended for feather allergy sufferers. The duvet should be fluffed, shaken, aired and changed daily. You will need two duvets, alternating, as it is recommended to air it regularly if possible in an open window. You will need at least 2-3 covers per duvet to change. Specially cleaned, tested feathers. The duvet is fastened with a button and loops. 100% COTTON. The covers should be washed regularly, according to the product label at max. 40 degrees. Size: 80x80 cm. Package contains only the cover for the wrap.