
Discounts Based on Quarterly Turnovers

We offer the possibility of obtaining permanent discounts based on the achieved quarterly turnover from the previous quarter.

This means that the discount amount is determined by the turnover achieved during the previous quarter.

Discounts based on quarterly turnover are as follows:

over 2,000 EUR - 1%

over 4,000 EUR - 2%

over 7,000 EUR - 3%

over 12,000 EUR - 4%

over 20,000 EUR - 5%

over 30,000 EUR - 6%

The mentioned turnovers are without VAT. Discounts are valid for the duration of the following quarter.

If you obtain this discount, the following quarter prices will be displayed in the wholesale e-shop already after the discount.

Please note that:

- for individual promotions, it is always stated whether the discounts are cumulative with turnover discounts or not

- the turnover discount is not claimable and can be withdrawn without reason

- quarterly turnovers include all orders, i.e., those through the Dropshipping service

One-time Bulk Order Discount

Upon prior arrangement, a ONE-TIME BULK ORDER DISCOUNT can be obtained for a one-time order of a larger quantity of goods.

These discounts are particularly aimed at:

- so-called "first deliveries" for new stores

- orders for seasonal goods

- orders of larger quantities of goods for display in brick-and-mortar stores, etc.

What constitutes a "larger quantity"? It is always different depending on the assortment of goods you are ordering.

Traders, below is an EXAMPLE of what it might look like in practice:

If you were to buy clothing and some accessories with low price, you could get an individual discount of 5 - 10% for an order amount of +/- 800 EUR. If your order included products like car seats, cribs, etc., i.e., goods with a higher entry price, we could consider an individual discount for an order around 1 200 EUR and up.

Another option is a separate order for goods of our brands NEW BABY, PlayTo, BAYO, and New Love. Or a brand of another manufacturer that you prefer.