XML Feed

We offer the possibility of data synchronization through the XML feed of our store. This involves connection your e-shop with our store. The principle is that we enable you to obtain information about products in electronic form, which we offer in our e-shop. After successful implementation of the feed, the products will "appear" in your e-shop just as they do in ours.

Thanks to the XML feed, you will get all the information about the products offered, including descriptions, prices, stock availability, and photographs. One of the great advantages of the XML feed is the currentness of data and information about the given products. The XML feed updates information about the goods we offer several times a day.

The XML feed provides you with time savings in managing the products you have selected. If you are interested in the provision of an XML feed, please register. After logging in, you will have access to the feeds in your personal card in the XML feeds section.

We strongly recommend making minor changes in the imported descriptions to avoid disadvantages of identical content by search engines.

We also recommend displaying goods with a stock availability of more than two pieces to avoid a situation where the goods are sold out before your customer completes the order. We also recommend updating the XML feed at least once a day, including photographs, descriptions, product names, etc. If you have the opportunity to set up automatic import of the XML Feed more frequently than once a day, definitely choose this option.


- Fast data processing (you can load thousands of items with a single click)

- Current stock availability (through the XML feed, you can update the stock availability of our goods in your e-shop several times a day)

-You can offer customers goods that are demanding to insert and maintain, without having them in stock (especially infant clothing and accessories)


- An e-shop capable of processing XML feeds from suppliers (it's necessary for your e-shop to offer this function, or it may need to be programmed in)

- Feed compatibility (different e-shop systems have various requirements for the format of the XML feed, if necessary, we offer the possibility of customizing our feed to suit your system; for the e-shop system quickly and Shoptet, we already have optimized feeds)

If you are interested in importing our goods into your e-shop, the address of the XML feed can be found after logging in on your personal card.

Below we provide explanations for each item in the XML feed:

PRODUCT - Name of the product

ID_PRODUCT - Numerical ID code of the product

GROUP - Related products have the same group, e.g., all items of one type of bodysuit in different sizes or colors have the same group. (this tag does not appear for some items)

CODE - Older code for product identification, this code can no longer be used to search in the new e-shop

ASSORTMENT - Category of the product

IN_STOCK - Indicates whether the product is currently in stock - values: yes/no

STOCK_LEVEL - Number of specific product items we have in stock

DOD - Delivery time of the product - numerical value indicating the number of working days

COLLECTION - Placement of the product in a certain collection (this tag does not appear for some items)

MANUFACTURER - Manufacturer of the product

COLOR - Color of the product

SIZE - Size of the product (this tag is displayed only for textiles)

WEIGHT - Weight of the product in kilograms

DESCRIPTION - Description of the product

IMGURL_NO_WATER - URL of the main product image

IMGURL_NO_WATER1 - URL of another product image (this tag does not appear for some items, if the product has more images they are displayed in tags IMGURL_NO_WATER2, 3, ... etc.)

EAN - EAN code of the product

RECOMMENDED_PRICE - Recommended retail price in CZK incl. VAT

RECOMMENDED_PRICE_EUR - Recommended retail price in € incl. VAT

VAT_RATE - VAT rate, values: 15/21

PRICE_INC_VAT - Wholesale price with VAT in CZK

PRICE_EXC_VAT - Wholesale price excluding VAT in CZJ

PRICE_EXC_VAT_EU - Wholesale price excluding VAT in €

RELATED_PRODUCTS - offers products related to the product being viewed

MATERIAL - information on what material the product is made of

SUITABLE_FOR - designation of which gender the product is intended for