
For our customers, we have prepared a service of sending goods directly to the end customer (dropshipping). In this form of order processing, CARERO s.r.o. acts only as a service organization providing delivery of goods to the end customer, not as a seller of goods. The seller of the end customer is obliged to inform about this. All requirements arising from the contractual relationship with the end customer - issuing a purchase document, claims, returns, and others, are handled by the seller of the goods, not by CARERO s.r.o.

For such orders, shipping is charged for each order according to the terms and conditions + a handling fee of 2 EUR (costs associated with logistics and especially packaging). The price for these services (shipping and handling fee) will be invoiced on the invoice.

Shipments can be sent either after prior payment in advance or cash on delivery. In the case of cash on delivery, it is important to inform us of the amount of the COD (after crediting this amount to our account, we will then send you the difference between the selected COD and the amount invoiced by us).

In the case of a larger volume of goods, we send by pallet transport. If the goods sent in this way are not accepted by the customer, the costs associated with this method of transport will be charged to you according to the DPD price list.

When proceeding with dropshipping, follow the guide below:

1. After logging in, add the goods you want to your cart.

2. In the cart, switch from Shopping Cart to Dropshipping/Offer.

3. Below, double-check that you have everything you need in the cart.

4. Order details - here again, move the toggle to the text Dropshipping.

5. In the recipient tab, select manual address entry, then write down the customer's address, phone number, and email. Also, fill out the method of delivery, payment, etc.

6. When you create a dropshipping order for the first time, you will be prompted to create a numerical series. So click on the settings button in the pink row that appears at the top.

You must set up the numerical series for both the invoice and the order:

First, select the Order document.

In the Mask column, fill in according to the following pattern:

For example, I set the mask as Oy2mmC5 (the letter O at the beginning indicates that it is an order; y2 - generates the last two digits of the current year; mm - the sequential number of the month; C5 - means the sequential number of the invoice, which will have five digits at the end) = so the mask Oy2mmC5 on the invoice will appear as O150600001

Save it.

Repeat the same process when creating a mask for the invoice, but use the letter F instead of O.

After setting up, return back to the cart.

7. Send the order and you will automatically be redirected to an overview of this order, which will also be sent to your email.

8. If you have chosen advance payment, don't forget to click on Create Proforma in this overview. A proforma invoice will appear, on which you will see the variable symbol under which you will send the payment.

9. If you have chosen cash on delivery, you do not need to create a proforma invoice.

If you have any questions, contact us at phone number 555 508 930 or email velkoobchod@carero.cz.